Magical Journeys Caribbean

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Maho Bay, US Virgin Islands

Perched on St John’s northern shore, Maho Bay draws families and snorkelers to its calm, shallow waters. It’s easily accessible, as you can drive right up to the beach and park on the side of a road lined with groves of coconut palms.

Maho Bay is named after the beach Maho tree, which you can identify by its heart-shaped leaves and bright, yellow flowers. The narrow beach fronts a shallow, sheltered bay that is a popular anchorage for yachts. You might even spot a sea turtle swimming among the seagrass swaying below the surface. A coral reef on the southern coast of the bay provides excellent snorkeling.

At the eastern end of the beach hikers can wander along the Goat Trail, which leads to Maho Bay Eco-Camps, a pretty enclave of tent cabins. Here you can rent water sports equipment and have breakfast and dinner at the Pavilion Restaurant.

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